GLUG 24, Aarau, Switzerland

The new industry get-together for Swiss beer and beverage producers – GLUG – is off to round two!

Held for the first time in 2023 and with great success, GLUG is THE event for manufacturers, retailers and service providers along the entire value chain of Swiss beer and beverage production.

It intends to serve as a national meeting point for Swiss beer and beverage producers, which shall actively promote networking between experts, suppliers, competitors and interested parties.

The two-day event will take place from February 1st – 2nd at the Alte Reithalle in Aarau, Switzerland.

Our specialty malts factory will also be represented on site by Urlich Ferstl, Weyermann® Team Leader Direct Customers & Food, and the team of our Swiss distribution partner Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH.

We wish our ambassadors a great time and happy networking!
