Successful revision at Weyermann® in Clingen

In all areas of our company we make important investments in order to fully exploit our potential and thus be able to offer our customers the best service in terms of product and consultation.

An investment in the form of a thorough revision was recently made at our Weyermann® location in Clingen.

In the course of this, various maintenance and upgrade work was carried out under the direction of Pierre Soelter, Weyermann® team leader maintenance in Clingen. This included, among other things, structural measures on the germination line as well as the maintenance, repair and replacement of various drives and gearboxes.

All of these measures contribute to ensuring the highest hygiene standards, production safety and the preservation of the buildings and facilities – for us the foundation of our work!

We would like to thank our capable team in Clingen, who ensured that the construction work ran smoothly through their active cooperation and tireless commitment!

We would also like to thank our local partners (painting and varnishing company Rodler, company HS Schmid, company Krüger Abdichtungen, companies H. Meyer and KI-Kunert) for the good and trusting cooperation! It’s great that we have so many competent craftsmen at our side that we can always count on!

Last but not least, our thanks go to our bosses, who, through their foresighted thinking and prudent actions, continue to steer Weyermann®’s course towards a successful future!